Writing Exercise
Write concise sentences. Write active sentences when needed.
Example: A log file should be realised as a UNIX file; there should be one log file per day.
Answer: The log file is a UNIX file that occurs once per day.
1. It is necessary that you can handle Windows 95 and know the fundamentals of HTML.
2. BARTClient provides several different screens. Among others, these are:
3. After you log on, a list with the following information appears to the user.
4. It is a requirement to introduce these system requirements, which are...
5. The objectives of the redesign are the improvement of:
6. The main component, Local Packet (abbreviated LP), runs on different operating systems and different versions of operating systems, namely...�
7. LP returns an acknowledgement to SP that contains information about the success or failure of the update.
8. Please give us some guidance how we can effectively administer our system using your database.
9. I am still in the phase of learning about the company in general and learning about my future job in specific.
10. With EasyRider, this concept is taken much further, allowing the user, with a few keystrokes, to automatically generate a whole bunch of commands that are either automatically sent to the host, or presented to the user for modification or changes.